An Enduring Alliance - Celebrating 70 Years Of Nato

Episode 5: Conventional Forces in the Cold War & Beyond



Episode 5. Conventional Forces in the Cold War and Beyond During the Cold War, conventional forces were the cornerstone of NATO’s defence posture. NATO kept extensive military forces at a high level of readiness to ensure they were able to respond promptly to a surprise attack.  In today’s episode we will discuss what this meant in practice and what it meant to be stationed in a ‘high readiness function.’ Our guests explain, with vivid memories and unique personal experiences. SHAPE Website: HOSTS: Dr. Stella Adorf, Master Sergeant Alex Burnett, Dr. Linda Risso GUESTS: Colonel Adam Edmunds, Ilay Ferrier, Brigadier General Franz Pfrengle, Diego Ruiz Palmer   Sources: NATO Declassified: The Cold War   Financial and Economic Data Relating to NATO Defence. Defence Expenditures of NATO Countries (1949-1971), 8 December 1971   Financial and Economic Data Relating to NATO Defence.