Sparkle In The Deep: Starseed Multimedia

Sparkle In The Deep: Starseed Potential, Pt. 1



We got a two part series on starseed potential along with the segment: UFO in news and entertainment. The mission of the Sparkle In The Deep is to provide value to indigo people by inspiring, guiding, educating, supporting star people in life, love and their missions. The sparkling mission is to support indigos in accessing their innate potential. JOIN ME FOR THE INDIGO POTENTIAL RUN (IPR): Contact me @ Start Date: 01/?/19 What you are going to be doing: Meditation Please feel free to contact me directly at   Books Cited in this PODCAST: Mysticism: A Study in Nature and Development of Spiritual Consciousness: Evelyn Underhill The Holographic Universe: Michael Talbot Awaken Your Indigo Power, by Doreen and Charles Virtue, and Indigo Adults: Understanding who you are and what you can become, by Kabir Jaffe. The Direct Path by Andrew Harvey.