Happy Healthy Minds Podcast With Sarah Swanton

The 'Analysis Paralysis' Of Making A Decision!



Agggh! The 'analysis paralysis' of trying to make a decision. As an entrepreneur, there's a lot riding on the decisions we make aren't there? We like to know in advance, whether something is going to turn out to be a good decision. Some decisions can be easy to make; others go on for days and days, weeks. Months even! Of course, the longer we without making a decision, the less progress we are making in our business. In this solo podcast, I explore what does 'making the right decision' even mean? I talk a little about what is going on in our minds when we try and make the right decision, and what might be a smarter strategy instead. As always, hope you find it useful/helpful to where you are at in your business right now. If you enjoy listening to these episodes, please rate the show on iTunes, and I would simply love it if you would leave a review on there too. Wishing you a great week whatever you're up to this week. Sarah Founder of Happy Healthy Entrepreneur www.sarahswanton.com