Happy Healthy Minds Podcast With Sarah Swanton

Ep9 Just Do It Anyway, Don't Wait To Be Confident - In Conversation With Dionne Wilson



"Just get it started, don't get it perfect, just do it!” Dionne Wilson is this week's guest on the Happy Healthy Entrepreneur podcast. I first met Dionne about 2 or so years ago when she joined the masterminding group that I’m a part of, and I knew I liked her immediately. She’s one of these people you just love being around, with an infectious laugh, and great energy, and I’m not sure if she says this during our conversation today, but two of her highest values in life is freedom and independence, and you can really hear that coming through in the way she approaches being in business for herself. Dionne first went self-employed in October 2016 and so she is just coming up to her first year in business; when I asked her what it's been like so far, she said: “Exciting. Scary. Lonely” What you’ll learn by listening to this episode: How Dionne was motivated to become self-employed after feeling disillusioned with the corporate world, and how she discovered the work she does now through trusting; How 80% o