Off The Rocks

Episode 29: I Thought This Was Meant To Be Fun?



# Episode Notes Episode Twenty Nine: I Thought This Was Meant To Be Fun? Today, Jen and Sara have a little catch up. Jen is about to move flats from a tiny studio to a (comparatively) huge place, which will look super minimalist because - thanks to living in a tiny place for the past year - she has no furniture anymore. Sara is soon to take a trip to New Zealand, where she plans to ask Jacinda Ardern whether she fancies coming on the podcast. So, that’s as good as in the bag then. After that, we respond to a listener email. This one’s from a woman who’s just completed her first year at uni but doesn’t know if she wants to carry on. (With the course, that is. Not with life in general. It’s a pretty bad university experience that makes you feel that low.) Having both been to university, Jen and Sara offer up their respective experience and advice and reassure her that the first year of uni is generally the weirdest. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you have access to the internet, ma