D'lethal Weapons - Dial Up Podcast

10 - Wonder Woman & Captain Marvel [Across the Pages]



Across the Pages (AxP) is our new episode series where we take two (underappreciated or forgotten) similar-ish characters from different creators/publishers and give their various forms of media a well-deserved spotlight. Our inaugural episode will highlight the two leading ladies of Marvel and DC comics who have been overlooked for far too long. --Follow the Weapons on Twitter @Comic_Patrol for some extra tidbits of fun (we maybe promise it isn't dick pics)--    0:00 D'Lethal Weapons Intro 7:35 Meat and Potatoes - The flavour of the day and main topic of discussion for the given episode after general chit chat and an absolutely terrible introduction. (theme by audionautix.com) 01:04:03 poweR wreckingS - Humans love to rank stuff. What kinda stuff? Everything. How about some of the most ridiculous lists you've never actually thought of. Ever. In this segment, we rank the best or worst in a top 1 to 9 format to expand listener's knowledge to uncharted levels. (theme by RoccoW) 1:14:33 Keep 6ix - 6ix, 6ix, 6ix!