Tales From The Wreckage

Injustice Anywhere is a Threat to Justice Everywhere | Wrecked America



Good morning students. Please don’t be offended by the terminology, we are all students because learning is synonymous with living. So, if you’re breathing at this very moment, you are currently enrolled in the class of Life. I’m the Professor, but don’t get it confused, like you I’m also a student. My goal is to bring light where darkness reigns supreme. I invite you to my classroom every Thursday at noon on wreckedamerica.com, where I dig through media headlines to expose the hypocrisy, lies, deceit, and misinformation spewed by mainstream media. I tear down news articles to find the truth hidden behind the ink. As a poet myself, I’m always interested in finding undiscovered talent. I created a segment on my podcast called The Spoken Word where I encourage our audience to send in their poetry to be read on the show in Wrecked America. If the poetry moves you, let us know by posting your comments on our Instagram page with hashtag The Spoken Word. If your poetry gains a favorable response from our Wrecked Am