Reiki For Healing Your Life

Spiritual Growth



Reiki for Healing your life. This podcast is where I talk all things Reiki, all things energy centered, where I share meditations, talk about my book Just Create! Creating through the Grief Wilderness, and interview Heart Centered Entrepreneurs, Energy Healers and Light Workers. My Mission? To support & Empower individuals in maintaining a state of well-being and balance through a holistic practice of Reiki, while recognizing the connection of mind, body, emotions and spirit. Spiritual Growth Do you feel like you are in the waiting room of life? No growth? No momentum? No expansion? In this episode I talk about my journey towards Spiritual Growth and what I've learned along the way. 1) Ready or not it's Spiritual Growth time! 2) Soul lesson. Your soul is here to teach you a lesson. Take the time to connect. Take the time to listen 3) Look for patterns. What do you need to learn from this to move forward? 4) Break free from old beliefs & stories that have kept you stuck. That have not contributed to your hi