West Michigan Real Estate Broker Podcast

Episode 17 things Seen at showings. Price points and traffic. Probate deal.



Dan tells about the interesting things he has seen at a few homes he has shown recently. Random volunteer updates from George and Dan AKA we do stuff for free.  We briefly talk about open houses and have a quick conversation about different price points and how they relate to traffic. Fun cool updates about our little podcast. A quick story about a probate deal Dan is working on.        Dan Farkas Associate Broker 1st Advantage Realty  2180 44th St Se Suite 208 Kentwood, Mi 49508  616-437-1011 www.DanFarkasRealtor.com TheDanFarkas@gmail.com   George Guyott Broker 1st Advantage Realty  2180 44th St Se Suite 208 Kentwood, MI 49508 616-293-2154 www.Grpropertysearch.com RealEstateByGeorge@grar.com