Hpx Podcast

The Power of DEPTH



“What do you think extraordinarily successful people want after they got everything they wanted? They want connection and greater depth in life. So why not go for that now?” In today's episode, learn how to tap into the power of depth and how going deep in life can bring more joy, vibrancy, and meaning to your daily life. While going deep in life, consider this: “What are the five critical skills that you must master to become exceptional in your career space? If you are not actively digging deep, researching, reading books, watching TED talks, and taking courses on these five skills, I promise you, you are cheating yourself and your family out of greater abundance and success. If you know the skills you are trying to develop, you may develop beyond what you believe is possible.” Take some notes and share your own routines with us by using #HPXLIFE. Visit HPXLIFE.com for the mentioned tools in this episode.    Mentioned Resources:  HPXLIFE.com High Performance Planner HPX Optimized Supplement Brendon's Instag