Hpx Podcast

Self Love with Tim Ferriss and Marie Forleo



Marie Forleo interviews Tim Ferriss on his struggle with depression, and his search for self love. They also discuss how "fear setting" can help you overcome your fears in the same way "goal setting" can help you tackle your goals, and tips for how he writes his best-selling books. If you desire to overcome your mental and emotional barriers and find true self love, this is a must-watch episode! Be sure to listen and subscribe to the Marie Forleo podcast! Additional Resources:  Marie Forleo Podcast Marie Forleo Instagram High Performance Planner HPX Optimized Supplement HPXLIFE.com Brendon's Instagram Help Our New Show! We hope you enjoyed this episode of HPX podcast! Please share it with 3 friends right now. And if you post it on social media, use #hpxlife because we’re always giving away prizes to our tribe. Tell some people about this episode - it’s on each of us to spread positivity and empowerment during these times of chaos and negativity, right? Be the dealer of hope and education in your tribe. If y