Neuroscience And Business

Managing Anger At Work



Today Richard Hill and Matthew Dahlitz have a quick chat about anger at work and what to do about it. Here are 7 tips on how to manage your anger...   What to do with Anger in the Office?   1) If you are the one with the anger - remove yourself from the situation and give yourself some cool-down time and space. Controlling the physical aspects of anger is important and separation is the first step if it's possible. You probably need to burn off some stress chemicals surging through your body! So run that errand down the street or do something to move your body and burn some cortisol, loosen your muscles, take some deep breaths or do a deep breathing exercise!   2) Get yourself into a different frame of mind (be curious)- distract yourself from the situation, go for a walk, do something else, so you can come back to the situation with your prefrontal cortex fully engaged - you'll likely see things a bit differently. Even writing it all down can help you process what's going on in a more thoughtful and measured