Inside New Mexico With Steve Pearce

Inside New Mexico: Dilemma for China, Opportunity for NM, Abortion Contract Cancelled, Mexican Tariffs off and Min Wage Hike



  WELCOME TO INSIDE NEW MEXICO (INM) RADIO BROADCAST  WITH GOP CHAIRMAN PEARCE AND Radio Host Derek Today on INM GOP Chairman Steve Pearce Discusses:  Dilemma for China, Opportunity for NM, Abortion Contract Cancelled, Mexican Tariffs off and Min Wage Hike. Thank you for Listening, Tune in next week for INSIDE NM with GOP Chairman Steve Pearce.  RARE EARTHS -- DILEMMA FOR CHINA, OPPORTUNITY FOR NEW MEXICO A recent video commentary by Dick Morris put a spotlight on the issue of rare earths and the role they are playing in the trade battle between the U.S. and China. TRUMP CANCELS FEDERAL CONTRACT TO BUY ABORTED BABY PARTS The Trump Administration put an end to a $2 million federal contract to purchase body parts from aborted babies and use them in research. MEXICAN TARIFFS OFF FOR NOW The big news from the President’s overseas trip to Europe was that his negotiators, led by Vice President Pence, successfully got Mexico to take action to stem the flow of migrants coming through Mexico P