Oncology And Technology With Carevive

Demystifying implementation of ePROs in oncology clinical care



Integrating patient-reported outcomes (PROs) into clinical practice is an increasingly promising strategy for improving patient engagement, symptom control, and clinical outcomes, including reducing avoidable hospitalizations and emergency room visits. Furthermore, recent data also shows that PRO-based proactive symptom monitoring may increase cancer patient survival. Now is the time to engage in discussions on practical applications of ePRO and finding the right balance of people, process, and technology. Recent advances in technology and survey methods may provide a solution to capturing PROs. There is evidence that the PRO approach can improve patient-clinician communication, ultimately improving a patient’s overall quality of life. An ePRO system can play a key role in clinical decision-making, as symptom management would improve and clinicians would be more aware of how a patient feels. PROs are finding a significant place in healthcare quality metrics, and PROs are sometimes thought to be more reliab