Grace For Today With Shayne Holesgrove

Designed and destined to reign!



Hello and welcome to grace for today, my name is Shayne Holesgrove and I am the lead pastor at GraceLife Ministries and this recording (grace for today) aims to help you live your life empowered by God's free flowing grace. It's much easier to live empowered by God than just to live for God, you know? And that's his heart for all of us – that we would live the Christian life from a place of his empowering. We shouldn’t be trying to do it in our own steam. John 10:10 says that the thief comes, but for to steal, kill, and destroy. And Jesus says that he came to give life and life abundantly. God's will for us is that we would live an abundant life, not just one day when we die and go to heaven, but he wants us to enjoy an abundant life right now. So why aren't we experiencing this? And how can we experience this abundant love? We're going to be looking at this over the next couple of episodes. And I want to encourage you just to open up your heart and receive because God's got something special for you. I