Confessions Of Angry Programmers Podcast

The Science of Great Design



Join us for Episode 14 of The Confessions of Angry Programmers podcast. In this episode David and Woody talk about: Dogfooding: Woody talks about features he wants for Amazon Echo. WTF Were They Thinking?: David talks about .NET open-source repositories (including Microsoft) that do not follow common .NET coding standards. Guest We are joined by our guest Mark Miller from DevExpress. Mark talks about how to create a great user experience in apps that includes discoverability and efficiency. He also talks about dogfooding the CodeRush refactoring tool on his Twitch channel, three times a week. Resources The Science of Great Design CodeRush by DevExpress Vote for "Let Extensions Change Line Height" in VS Code French Army graphic GhostDoc from SubMain David McCarter's Books on Amazon Voice of Slum charity in Delhi, India Podcast rebranding