Femmefluence Radio

Imperfection: We’re Made of Glorious Grace and Grit



Fear of perfection is ingrained in us as humans and doubly so as women. The fear of failure and not being good enough puts us into cycle of expectation, doubt and ironically, failure. We need to change the culture of imperfection, embracing it for all of the great things it creates for us. Join me in this episode as I share the beauty of imperfect action taking and the importance of being supported when showing up imperfectly. Key Points from this Episode: If you’re anxious, a perfectionist, worried about what other people think of you, afraid you won’t get it right when you share, overstressed, overworked, disconnected, lonely, unhappy then this episode is meant just for you. It’s also for women who are ready to face and say “F you!” to fear. There’s no such thing as a quick fix or a pill.  As one of my good friends, mentors and former client Lisa Nichols says,