Staying Healthy Naturally- Dr. Gary Kracoff

Get organized-Help from the Organizing Diva



Maureen Nuccitelli has come a long way in the world of organizing and  consulting. In fact, in her youth she was pretty disorganized. What  changed? What happened? Well for one thing, it’s a “pain in the arse”  being disorganized.  Being disorganized sucks up way too much time,  effort and money. Sound familiar? She’d had enough. So she made a  concerted effort to learn all there was to know about organizing,  de-cluttering, efficiency and productivity. This was her new life’s mission. And guess what? She started to learn  new habits, new ways and new tools—all in the pursuit of knowing  everything about organizing. Then as the years went by she started to  help others with their organizing challenges. She taught them how to be  more organized. Woa! You mean you can learn how to be organized? You bet  your life, Sista and Brotha! Maureen helped clients, friends and family; she taught classes; wrote  newsletters and articles; and was quoted on bl