Venus Warriors Podcast | Liz Lima

Episode #10 | I am enough



Liz Lima:  Welcome back. Venus warriors. How are you today? I hope you really enjoyed our last week's episode with the interview of Mickey Struges and today I'm warning you now there will be possibly some vulgarity and some opinions that you may not agree with at all. So use headphones, earbuds, maybe don't have this with the children around whatever it is, but I'm warning you now. It's going to be a good episode. Let's go. Liz Lima: 1:08 - Welcome back, ladies. I'm so excited for the 10th episode of Venus Warriors and we have a lot coming up because I have some powerful women that I will be interviewing. Gosh, for the next few weeks. It's been pretty incredible. The outreach from these women. I'm just so excited to share it with you because they're going to share their stories, which you will most likely resonate with someone and that I want you to be able to see and hear and feel how other women are also possibly overcoming things that you may be going through.   Liz Lima:                      01:45 - And t