Spirit Girls With Jessica Reid

EP30: Empathy & Energetic Mastery



It's time for some girl-talk about being empaths and how to really create energetic boundaries that actually work!As empaths (Or as I like to call us - highly tapped in earth angel's) our energy is especially precious and we often find it hardest to set boundaries with other people (Cause ya know, we just wanna be nice to everyone), But as we step into the new paradigm of light we gotta make sure we're aligning with purely loving & supportive people in our lives..Also as lightworkers here to help others - we can sometimes find ourselves in situations where others will want to 'pull on our energy' yet this is NOT what we are here for. To help at our highest - we've gotta be IN our highest, A place where there is energetic exchange, where the people we support are the people who support us too, A place where we are serving from our overflowing cup, not our very last drops!I see wayyyy too many Readers, Healers, Coaches etc. Either giving away their gifts / services or being surrounded by 'leeches' who expec