Spirit Girls With Jessica Reid

EP15: Generosity Generates Wealth



This week I connected with my Soul Sister Holly and Soul Brother Bart who are the co-creators of Spirit Ninjas to share with you our passion upon how Generosity Generates Wealth in so many ways, We talk about the Intention Groups that are being held by Holly and Bart through SpiritNinjas.com, The power of holding a vision for the highest good of all, How generosity heightens your abundance vibration, Consciously circulating money and being a divine INVESTMENT for the universe to channel its resources through for the higher vision ~ I absolutely loved this conversation about all the practical and etherial/energetic aspects of this topic and sharing what I personally practice to increase wealth in my life (I'm not just talking about the typical visualisation) If you feel drawn to this topic, listen to this episode now and remember to subscribe for more conscious conversations!