Cocktail Theology

Episode 21: My Body Is (Not Exactly) My Temple



What does "your body is a temple" mean, particularly in a world of plumbing, Ketel One gimlets, and steroids?  How do we develop habits that support our spiritual health while enjoying the good material things God gives? Tonight's cocktail: Gimlets, made with Ketel One Rose-Grapefruit-infused vodka and housemade lime simple syrup.    Like our work? Listen regularly? Pretend we're your bar tab and pony up (and receive our thanks & swag) at! Music Credits "Jesus Under My Bed" Words & music by Benton Stokes, Belinda Smith & Aaron Smith Our theme music: “Moving On (Feels Pretty Good)”. Words & music by Benton Stokes. Available on Grace & Gravity  (CD on; digitally on Amazon and iTunes) Copyright 2018 Songs From the Basement (BMI).  All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.