Mitä Pelataan?

My First Year in Boardgame Media



The fifth episode of Mitä Pelataan? -podcast. In this episode I go through my first year as a content creator in boardgame media. I go through some numbers and share some highlights of my year as well as ponder on some things I've observed and experienced during this first year of mine. I also mention Dan Hughes at least 2 times to try to get him to listen an episode to hear about himself! I also give you my top-9 games of 2018 in the episode and end this one with a new segment aimed solely for you, dear listeners. A segment which might actually benefit you in a form of learning something new! What can it be? Listen until your Finnished and find out! Feedback is much appreciated, especially now, after over half a year hiatus on English episodes! Thanks for the music: @grimwater Approximate start times for parts: Year's highlights: 15:40 Observations etc.: 21:55 Top-9 starts at: 27:05 New segment starts at the end, approx: 1:02:45 DISCLAIMER: This show is very off-script! Follow Mitä Pelataan? in media!