Free Association With Brian Carpenter

Episode 138: Martin Bisi



Engineer, producer, and musician Martin Bisi has been recording bands for over 35 years at B.C. Studios in the Gowanus section of Brooklyn and has a new collaborative record out called BC 35: The 35 Year Anniversary of BC Studio with members of many of the bands he recorded in the 80s and 90s such as Swans, Cop Shoot Cop, Foetus, Alice Donut, and Live Skull. Martin called into Free Association to talk about the record and we played some tracks from his long history as an engineer and producer recording some of the landmark underground rock records. Original air date: May 10, 2018 BC35, JG Thirlwell, Dana Schechter, Laura Ortman & The BC Radiophonic Choir, “Downhill”The 35 Year Anniversary of BC Studio Bronson Recordings 2018   BC35, Dan Kaufman, Brian Viglione, Jason LaFarge, Paul Wallfisch, Martin Bisi & Neil Exall “The Animals Speak Truth”The 35 Year Anniversary of BC Studio Bronson Recordings 2018 BC35 & Ajda The Turkish Queen “Take This Ride”The 35 Year Anniversary of BC Studio Bronson Recordi