Reg A+ Money Show

Attorney Louis Bevilacqua Explains Disadvantages and Advantages of Reg.CF as a Bridge to Regulation A+ Offerings (Part 1)


Sinopse When the Jobs Act was passed in 2012, it opened up a whole new world on how companies can use crowdfunding techniques and vehicles to access capital markets and raise money from both accredited and non-accredited investors. However, the Jobs Act contains many Titles and Provisions. And when you start to peel away the JobsAct onion, you’ll quickly learn there are many other crowdfunding options rather than just Regulation A+. Reg.CF is one such option that doesn’t get talked about a lot – until now – and it ties in nicely with a question we received from a “Reg.A Money Show” listener who asks: “The Jobs Act, Title IV, crowdfunding, Reg.CF, Reg.A, 506c.... I hear these terms used interchangeably and was wondering what the differences are as well as the advantages/disadvantages of each. Can you please explain?” Well, in this podcast episode, we brought on attorney Louis Bevilacqua from Bevilacqua PLLC as a guest on the show for an industry expert take on the matter which you surely do not want to