Reg A+ Money Show

Can Publicly Traded Companies Create a Regulation A+ Tier II Offering with a Security Token Offering Component? (Part 2)


Sinopse Publicly traded companies are coming to the Reg.A Money Show for answers when it comes to the best way to use Regulation A+ crowdfunding. Let this be a lesson to all the Reg.A+ contenders and newcomers – the podcast is always here for you and will try to answer any question you may have! However, we’re just scratching the surface of Regulation A+ STO hybrids and there’s still a lot to learn – especially in the area of how the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) may respond with their qualification efforts in this totally new and evolving industry. One thing’s for sure: the information you’ll learn on this podcast will go a long way into allowing mostly everyone to participate in your offering, even if your STO isn’t approved by the SEC. The sophistication of the questions that CFOs and CEOs of publicly traded companies are asking on the show are quite impressive, and we’re equally happy that many of these Regulation A+ contenders are taking the information provided to heart with excellent feed