The Simon Lovell Show

Letting Go, Momentum Monday #EP22



What is success? Is it the next big item, the bigger home, the faster car? I thought it was. I finally got everything I ever wanted, to realize that actually… it’s not REALLY what makes me happy or what I wanted. After lots of self discovery, deep work, spending hours and hours in silence and finally having the courage to admit the truth… I was shown a new reality that is far more simplistic and aligned with who I really am, not who I thought I was. I came to realize that my next huge leap of success won’t come from adding, but from from letting go and shedding. Shedding what was wanted by my mind, not by my soul. It’s time for me to let go, to grow. To release energetic drains that look great, but aren’t aligned with me at my core. When I felt what my SOUL was calling for vs what my ego craved, everything clicked. I also decided to let go of expectations of others…. The need for other people to be where I was at. And if they didn’t want to go there, they were being lazy. This stopped me from conn