On The Counter Soccer Podcast With Drew Pells

Men's and women's soccer aren't equal work



#48! Terrance is on the road, but we still have a great episode for you. I, Drew, explain why Hope Solo's comments about "equal" pay for the US Women's team is utter nonsense because the 2 teams don't do the same work or bring in the same revenue. And sexism has nothing to do with it.The club manager merry go round is in full effect. Why did Zidane leave?Is Emery good for Arsenal? Finally, also discuss some surprising World Cup snubs including Sane, Martial, and Morata. Thanks for listening.Remember to vote in our poll for the World Cup teams you want us to follow. You have less than 1 week. Get access to the poll by clicking here https://mailchi.mp/5391772e6a72/vote-now-for-your-national-team