Snippit Sports Science Podcast

Snippit 65: Hamstring exercises - is there more to it than just the nordic curl?



Hi everyone and welcome to Snippit Sports Science podcast.  We are sponsored by EliteForm, which comobines and integrated online strength planner and velocity tracking system using 3D video technology.  Thank you EliteForm for making Snippit possible. Please visit and check out their products, StrengthPlanner and PowerTracker. Today we chat about hamstring exercises and strength measures.   The single-leg Roman chair hold is more effective than the Nordic hamstring curl in improving hamstring strength-endurance in Gaelic footballers with previous hamstring injury. J Strength Cond Res. 2018 Mar 6. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000002526.   Authors: Macdonald B1, O'Neill J2, Pollock N3, Van Hooren B4,5. Abstract Poor hamstring strength-endurance is a risk factor for hamstring injuries. This study investigated the effectiveness of the single-leg Roman hold and Nordic hamstring curl in improving hamstring strength-endurance. Twelve Gaelic footballers (mean ± standard deviation age, height and