Snippit Sports Science Podcast

Snippit 64 ► Doggy Double



  Snippit is made possible by listeners like you.Please help support the podcast:►   Physical Activity Levels of Students Walking Shelter Dogs in an Activity Course A Pilot Study 2362 Board #198 June 1 930 AM - 1100 AM Sartore-Baldwin, Melanie; Das, Bhibha, M.; Schwab, Lacey; DuBose, Katrina, FACSM   Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise: May 2018 - Volume 50 - Issue 5S - p 583 doi: 10.1249/01.mss.0000537009.25499.51 E-36 Free Communication/Poster Walking for Better Health Friday, June 1, 2018, 7:30 AM - 12:30 PM Room: CC-Hall B     While it is becoming less and less common for four-year colleges and universities to require physical activity courses as part of student curricula, many schools continue to offer elective physical activity courses. These elective courses are important given the benefits associated with physical activity and the low lev