Snippit Sports Science Podcast

Snippit 37 ► Mid-week Training Measures of T and C - Chris's PhD



Snippit is made possible by listeners like you. Please help support the podcast: ►    Today we discuss one of Chris's own papers that was part of his PhD, which looked into the biomarker ability of salivary testosterone and cortisol in response to training and competition in elite Rugby Union players. These findings were unique in that we have an ability for salivary Testosterone as a possible “predictor” of performance a few days later.  This has also been found in a couple of other rugby teams also, which is really interesting.  Hope you enjoy:   Relationship between Midweek Training Measures of Testosterone and Cortisol Concentrations and Game Outcome in Professional Rugby Union Matches Gaviglio, Christopher M.; Cook, Christian J.   Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research December 2014 - Volume 28 - Issue 12 - p 3447–3452   The aim of this study was to assess the response of salivary-free tes