Snippit Sports Science Podcast

Snippit 32 ► Periodised Nutrition - Part 1



  Snippit is made possible by listeners like you. Please help support the podcast: ►      To continue the sports nutrition theme, we are looking further into these concepts.  Today’s podcast defines the concept of "periodized nutrition" (also referred to as "nutritional training") and summarize the wide variety of methods available to athletes. The purpose of this review is not to discuss the literature in great detail, but to clearly define the concept and to give a complete overview of the methods available, with an emphasis on adaptations that are not in the muscle. While there is good evidence for some methods, other proposed methods are mere theories that remain to be tested.   True to our “Snippit” format, this is a two-part series: Sports Medicine March 2017, Volume 37, Supplement 1, pp 51-63   Periodized Nutrition for Athletes Asker E Jeukendrup First Online: 22 March 2017   Abstract   It is becoming in