Snippit Sports Science Podcast

Snippit 24 ► Detraining Elite Power Athletes



Snippit is made possible by listeners like you. Please help support the podcast: ►    As per the podcast title, this article looks into the effects of detaining (strength) on power athletes.  This is an important concept to get right with respect to peaking for athletes.   Med Sci Sports Exerc. 1993 Aug; 25(8):929-35.   The effects of detraining on power athletes. Hortobágyi T, Houmard JA, Stevenson JR, Fraser DD, Johns RA, Israel RG   Abstract   We investigated the effects of 14 d of resistive exercise detraining on 12 power athletes.   In comparing performances pre- to post-detraining, there were no significant (P > 0.05) changes in free weight bench press (-1.7%), parallel squat (-0.9%), isometric (-7%) and isokinetic concentric knee extension force (-2.3%), and vertical jumping (1.2%). In contrast, isokinetic eccentric knee extension force decreased in every subject (-12%, P < 0.05). Post-detraining, the changes in surface