Snippit Sports Science Podcast

Snippit 1 ► Hypoxic Sprinting



Snippit is made possible by listeners like you. Please help support the podcast: ►      Welcome everyone to our very first podcast. We are so excited to finally get our first episode out to you all. As a quick introduction to the podcast, our goal is to present and discuss relevant sports science articles. Designed to give you a “Snippit” of the article we aim to cover topics in about 10-20 minutes. We see that as a good amount of time to get a feel for the article – plus we know how valuable your time is. We really hope you enjoy our first podcast and you come along on our journey.   The article we're covering is:Growth Horm IGF Res. 2015 Jun; 25(3):121-6 2015 Apr 12   Hormonal and metabolic responses to repeated cycling sprints under different hypoxic conditions   Kon M, Nakagaki K, Ebi Y, Nishiyama T, Russell AP   Abstract   OBJECTIVE: Sprint exercise and hypoxic stimulus during exercise are poten