Rehabilitating Your Investment Portfolio

Stock Market Investing (2019) [What Stocks to Buy Today]



Today's focus: I advocated maximum Risk On Stock market investing exposure on June 6th (Buying weakness) and today I will be explaining why we are booking partial gains (Selling strength) Bottom line: The results of the Fed meeting this week added fuel to the already explosive June Stock Market rally. Our Index Only Model portfolio (SPY QQQ IWM only) entered the week with 200% Stock Market investing exposure and we used the strength to book our 1st round of gains as the ARMR Algos hit initial targets. You have heard the terms “Risk On” or “Risk Off” but what does that mean and how does it effect your investing portfolio? The ARMR Report has the answers and will help you manage risk to improve your investment results no matter what strategy you employ. SUBSCRIBE and stay informed! Follow me on Twitter!