The Momentum Life Project

S3E7: Connection overload - where are your barriers?



In this episode of the Momentum Life Project, Kerry D and Dr M talk about connection and in particular, how over-connected we are in today’s fast-paced ‘always on’ world. We are accessible 24/7 but are we plugged in and have connections in the right places? Are we using our devices in the best possible way? Work used to be done at work. When the day was done, you would ‘clock out’, go home and work would stop until you returned the next day. Think about how different it is nowadays. We finish off a proposal on the train, we call that last client back from the car, we check and respond to those ‘urgent’ emails whilst sitting on the sofa with our laptops. It’s only a few years ago when the thought of sending a facebook message or a what’s app or an instagram DM to a colleague would have been a massive no-no. Such an invasion of personal privacy. Now we do it without a second thought - often because we can see they’re online, we know we’ll get a response and we can see when they’ve read it. Our barriers around c