Number One Comic Books

Issue #30 Gogor, Thumbs, The Ride: Burning Desire, Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III



(Rod's Pick) Batman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III from DC COMICS AND IDW PUBLISHING written by James Tynion IV and art by Freddie E. Williams II                      The 80th anniversary of Batman collides with the 35th anniversary of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in this stunning concluding miniseries to the BATMAN/TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES trilogy. Our heroes have battled the evil of the Foot Clan in Gotham City and Bane in New York, but now Krang has gotten his hands on the most dangerous technologies in the DC Universe-and no universe is safe from his wrath! Co-published with IDW.                          (Rebekah's Pick) Thumbs from IMAGE COMICS written by Sean Lewis with art by Hayden Sherman                      Imagine someone like, say, Mark Zuckerberg created his own army of tech-obsessed teens and directed them to take on the government. What would the fallout be? Charley "Thumbs" Fellows is a member of just such an army. Poor and raised by the influential MOM™ app, he finds himself in the