This Full Life




  UGH!  Just as soon as I typed the words in the title "Letting go of Control" I had a shiver.  Letting Go and Surrendering is an ongoing practice for me.  Just like yoga, I have to practice it frequently for my body to have the muscle memory to do it.  And for me to continue to grow.   I find myself coming from a place of fear when I think about surrender.  The "What if" place.  What if I surrender, then what?  If I surrender how do I know it's going to go the way I want it to go? Sometimes it's a moment to moment practice.  Letting go and surrendering can go as deep as we allow it to.  Surrender doesn't mean giving up or giving in.   It means having a curiosity to see what's on the other side.  It's letting go of attachment to the outcome.  Often times fear is behind surrender.  When we can't allow ourself to let go, we might be coming from a place of fear.  And this doesn't mean we're afraid for our life.  It might mean that if we let go and surrender, we're afraid something undesirable will happen.