Rainbow Soul

Healing with Dr Daniels - Being awake in a sleeping world



Please join Dr Daniels Today,December 1st, at 6pm EDT for the Healing with Dr Daniels Show.                                  The show's title is Being awake in a sleeping world. Dr Daniels has had many emails from people who are angered or even distraught that people around them are asleep when it comes to the Medical Industrial Complex.  This is causing strife and suffering.  Tune in as Dr Daniels examines this situation and gives you a new perspective to relieve your suffering. Tune in. Think Happens. To listen to the show go to BlakeRadio.com, or call in and listen at 914-338-0695  or online click this link or copy this on your browser: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/blakeradio Ask questions during the show, by phone call: 914-338-0695 or online go to  http://healingwithdrdaniels.chatango.com/