Beroean Pickets Reviewer

A Thought on the Petition Letter



JackSprat made a comment under the recent post on Christian neutrality and the Organization's involvement in the United Nations that I'm grateful for, because I'm sure he raises a view that many share.  I would like to address that here. I agree that the chance for change from the letter writing campaign I'm asking everyone to share in is vanishingly small.  Additionally, the impact of any individual letter is miniscule.  However, the field doesn't get wet from a single drop of rain, but every drop contributes to watering the crop.  The question is, what crop are we expecting to reap?  Some, evidently, think I'm going for a positive change and believe that is futile.  I wouldn't disagree, though I wouldn't be a good Christian if such a thing were not to make me happy.  However, being practical, I don't anticipate that. What I anticipate is something else; something more in the nature of the results from the two past campaigns JackSprat points to.  In both Russia and Malawi, the targets of the letters only be