Beroean Pickets Reviewer

He gives Power to the Tired One



[From ws1/18 p. 7 – February 26-March 4] “Those hoping in Jehovah will regain power.” Isaiah 40:31 The first paragraph lays out the problems many Witnesses are now facing: Coping with serious illness. Elderly caring for elderly relatives. Struggling to provide basic necessities for their families. Often several of these problems at once. So what have many witnesses done to cope with these and other pressures? The second paragraph enlightens us and effectively gives us the reason for this article. “Sadly, some of God’s people in our day have concluded that the best way to cope with the pressures of life is to ‘take a break from the truth’, as they say, as if our Christian activities were a burden rather than a blessing. So they stop reading God’s Word, attending congregation meetings, and engaging in the field ministry – just as Satan hopes they will do.” Reading between the lines, there we have it in a nutshell. Many are giving up and so the organization needs to guilt-trip us into continuing, ‘not