Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Christie Mann – on a mission to help leaders soar through life’s ups and downs and have a more resilient relationship with their emotions – 120



Today on Extraordinary Women Radio, I'm excited to bring you the delightful Christie Mann - on a mission to help parents and leaders soar through life's ups and downs and have a more resilient relationship with their emotions. In this episode we dig into the stories and wisdom around: How Christie started her journey as a leadership coach and consultant at 13 How leadership should be about listening and being curious about your people The in-depth definition of leadership and its transformation to emotional leadership How Christie incorporates Kundalini yoga and meditation into her leadership work How to bring more balance and peace into your life At 13-years-old Christie’s life suddenly and dramatically shifted, when she suffered some devastating losses and was thrust into a leadership position, which subsequently, impacted her relationship to her own emotional growth. She has spent the better part of the past two decades on her own corrective path, and because of this, has a sincere desire to e