

Many of us are kind of a mess when it comes to our financial situation. And our unhealthy money habits are causing tremendous stress and tension, which then causes unhealth in all areas of our lives, emotional, relational and even physical. We live in a greedy culture, and it is extremely difficult not to fall into that trap. And greed doesn't know socioeconomic status, it doesn't matter how much you have or own, how rich or poor you are, greed is a state of the heart. Greed and debt are just the outward expression of a deeper heart issue...contentment. The underlying, core issue is we are not living in contentment. Are you satisfied with how much you make right now, at this moment? Are you satisfied with what you have: your home, your car/s, your clothes, your shoes - your food? Are you satisfied with what you do? For fun: vacations, if you get to take one, do you like where you go, how you get there, how long you stay?