
真题听力 2006北京



听力原文:第一节 Text 1M: Hello, can I help you?W: Yes, please! I like this sweater very much. But it’s too small for me. Do you have it in size 12?M: I am afraid not. Size 10 is the largest we have.Text 2W: Can I help the next person in line?M: I just need to sent this letter the faster way possible.W: Let’s see. We have overnight service businesses. That takes just two days.Text 3W: I heard you’re leaving.M: Yeah, I am moving to New York. I’ve got a new job.W: We’ll miss you.Text 4M: So what do you want to do today? Play tennis?W: Em, no I don’t think so.M: How about swimming? It’s hot today.W: But look at our house, we have to clean the house.Text 5M: We are going to the movies tomorrow afternoon at two. I wonder if you would like to come with us.W: I’d love to, but I can’t. I’ve got a hospital appointment at 2:30.第二节 Text 6May I have your attentions please, ladies and gentleman? This is the restaurant car manager speaking. We would like to inform all passengers that the restaurant car is now open. The restaurant