5 Smooth Stones

Ashkenazi Jews & Pastors respond to global claims of Blacks as Israelites. PT-2



It's been called the single most important event that has ever happened to African Americans outside of grace and salvation through Christ.That event is the re-birth of identity of African Americans to their true natural bloodline as Jews aka Israelites. Many clergies & historians believe it is key to understanding every single significant thing that has happened to the so-called Negros, and that some bible scriptures are confusing without this revelation. Then others add, that when certain prophecies revealed beforehand pertaining to all the misfortunes that this people would suffer it actually makes this great people the most documented of all humans, in that these are the one of the lost tribes of the ANCIENT ISRAELITES. Finally, there is great hope for this self-same people in that the prophecies speaking of their demise speak of a remnant of them to be blessed greatly according to their ancient covenant through obedience to the Holy One. Yet, there are those Ashkenazi Jews, Pastors and other Minis