Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Cynthia Forstmann – Founder and Partner of CultureTalk and Archetypal Explorer – 121



Today on Extraordinary Women Radio, I'm excited to bring you the delightful Cynthia Forstmann - Founder and Partner of CultureTalk and Archetypal Explorer. Cynthia is going to be one of our speakers at Extraordinary Women Ignite on November 7-9 in Golden, CO – and she’s going to be sharing her powerful work around Archetypes. Over the course of our lives and careers, we each experience moments of absolute clarity; the inner knowing that we are exactly where we are meant to be. Swiss psychotherapist, Carl Jung, would say these moments of insight point to our underlying Archetypes…  universal storylines that inform our passions, personalities, and pursuits. At Ignite, Cynthia will be helping our attendees look at pivotal life experiences through the lens of Archetypes and learn how to use these timeless human themes to build their brands and businesses with a new level of awareness and intent. Cynthia will share how knowing your Archetypes, can help you:     Find the perfect words to articulate your deep