Don Woods

Don-s Identity Crisis Deepens



According to some half wit who appeared on the ITV morning news programme there are 100 different choices as to what gender you want to now it's not just LBGTQyou can add on another 95 "genders" there you go.....and this nut case is actually given television time to tell us that this is what children should be taught in school....Piers Morgan had a field day with this fool.....he told him it was like interviewing Dianne Abbot....because she didn't know what she was talking about Vince we can be one of 100 I think I'll mountain goat.....I might even march through the city with a big banner. I've just got my car tax reminder....£235....I speak to people who pay as little as £15.....some don't pay anything...because their vehicle isn't "damaging the planet".....soI get PENALISED for driving a car of my choice!!.....we are supposed to think that this will stop us buying diesel cars.....which it won' will just make money for the vehicle licen