Body Of Christ Radio Network

Repentance is the Key: Jesus Christ and the New Moon



Psalms 81:3  Blow up the trumpet in the new moon, in the time appointed, on our solemn feast day. The New Moon as ordained by God and observed by Jesus Christ.  It also marks the 14 day countdown to Passover. Is the Feast of the New Moon a relic of the Old Covenant?  Was it done away with in Christ and nailed to his cross?  Is it a "High Holy Day" that followers of Jesus Christ should observe instead of Christmas & Thanksgiving? Join us as we discuss one of the most overlooked High Holy Days of the Bible. We air programs on Blog Talk Radio at the following times: Sun 2:00pm, Mon 8:pm, Tue 8:00pm, Wed 7:00pm, Thur 8:00PM, Fri 7:00pm & Sat 9:00am.  All times are Eastern Standard Time