Beyond Reason

A Few Brief Announcements



Throughout history the unseen has affected the world. So many have tried to expose these forces to the world. But what if it takes a certain type of thought to do those? Are you willing to be one of those people that opens your mind to the invisible world around us?

Beyond Reason discusses various topics from ancient civilizations, conspiracy theories, medical advancements to prolong human life, space exploration, transhumanism, paranormal culture (Ghosts, extraterrestrial life, unidentified flying objects (UFOs), psychic abilities or extrasensory perception, and cryptids like Bigfoot and Lochness Monster, and religion culture such as Christianity, Hoodoo, and Wicca).

Beyond Reason is more than a paranormal podcast, more than a conspiracy podcast it is an examination of life and its mysteries. The show is hosted by Justin Cancilliere, and is produced in Bismarck, ND.