Borrow My Brain Podcast

Podcast Ep-21: The future jobs



Borrow My Brain, Podcast series #21 Podcast Ep-21: The future jobs Few words Podcast Ep-21: "The future jobs" claims that in the future, the jobs (we now know) will not be professions as we were used for years before, but enlarged job profiles, bridging hard and soft 'currencies'. Career planning and choices should almost start (as a questioning game) from the age of 16. This podcast series is a knowledge-sharing initiative for Change, Growth, Storytelling, and Talent. The podcast is in the Greek language to give stimuli, insights, hard-facts, and examples to young Greeks and Cypriots for the on-going Transformation and their future path. They shouldn't go there alone... Click to listen Click on the icon to subscribe at iTunes, or sign-up below to receive new podcast episodes. Sign-up to the Podcast Θέλω να λαμβάνω τα podcasts Success! Now check your email to confirm your subscription. There was an er